
Below are examples of courses that will be offered in the DASH programme. Please note that course selection is subject to change and may vary based on need and availalbility. Course credits provided here are estimations and may vary across institutions and departments: the assignment of credits is up to the individual supervisor's discretion. You can also find out more about the international Summer School on digital tools and methods hosted in Zadar, Croatia.

  • 2023-01-01 07:14

    Cultural Analytics

    7.5 credits (Uppsala University)

    Weeks 39-48 at part-time pace (50 %).

    The course will take place at campus Engelska Parken, Uppsala University with possibility for distance participation from DASH doctoral students who are not located in the vicinity of Uppsala.

    The PhD course “Introduction to Cultural Analytics” is given by the Department of ALM and the Centre for Digital Humanities Uppsala (CDHU) in the fall term 2023. The course is targeted towards PhD students in the humanities and social sciences who do not yet possess specific computational or technical skills, but who are interested to learn more for their future thesis work.

    The aim of the course is to introduce methods for computational text analysis from a humanities and social sciences perspective. After completing the course, students are expected to have gained the following knowledge and skills:

    • knowledge about computational text analysis methods and their relevance for humanities and social sciences tasks
    • knowledge about machine learning and its basic concepts, as well as such methods’ possibilities and limitations
    • practical skills to employ computational methods for text analysis by using existing software, and by following and adapting basic programming scripts
    • the ability to critically reflect upon the results derived from computational methods (regarding ethical, statistical, and empirical/material-oriented concerns)
    • the ability to highlight epistemological concerns regarding computational and statistical methods from a humanities and social sciences perspective

    The course consists of the following thematic areas: introduction to cultural analytics and Python, data curation and analysis, data collection (web scraping, APIs, social media), natural language processing and computational text analysis, machine learning.

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  • 2023-01-02 07:14

    Tools and Methods: Critical Encounters

    7.5 credits (Uppsala University)

    Autumn semester full-time 100%

    The course will take place at campus Engelska Parken, Uppsala University, apart from guest lectures online. There is the possibility for distance participation from DASH doctoral students who are not located in the vicinity of Uppsala. The course “Tools and Methods: Critical Encounters” is given by the Department of ALM. The course is a master’s level course which includes advanced study elements tailored for PhD students that expand the course to a doctoral level course.

    The course introduces and examines a selection of tools and methods used in the cross-disciplinary field of the digital humanities. Students will become familiar with and use digital methods and tools by participating in several practical sessions. Experiences from these sessions will be discussed critically and related to the relevant theoretical literature and ongoing debates in the digital humanities. Emphasis is placed on the development of an inquisitive, critical and historical approach to new methods and tools in research in the humanities, in addition to the ability to question and reflect upon how new practices and technologies influence the production of knowledge in the humanities, both present and past.

    After completing the course, students are expected to have gained the following knowledge and skills:

    • Knowledge of a selection of tools and methods used in the digital humanities.
    • Knowledge of critical and current debate regarding the tools and methods used in the digital humanities.
    • Skills to critically assess and use tools and methods in the digital humanities.
    • Ability to apply a historical perspective to the changing technical conditions for the creation of knowledge within the humanities.
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  • 2023-01-03 07:14

    Critical Theory and Digital Transformation

    7.5 credits (LNU 4DH405) / LnU

    Autumn semester 2023-2024 Pace: half time (50%) online, English

    The critical tradition of the humanities and social sciences serves to contextualize and problematize the implementation of digital technologies and associated digital practices. This course explores these digital transformations in academia, cultural heritage institutions, and society at large by applying the critical standpoints on matters such as gender, race, ethics, power, or any intersection thereof. Special attention is given to the application of these standpoints on methods and practices within the digital humanities. During the course, students will analyze a digital humanities project through critical lenses alongside their peers and collaboratively contribute to the course Wiki. Students will also create a proposal for a digital humanities project of their own, applying the concepts explored in the course.

    After completing the course the student should, with a high degree of independence, be able to:

    • explain the critical tradition within the humanities and social sciences
    • draw upon critical theories to identify the consequences of society’s uptake of digital objects, cultures, and practices, i.e., digital transformation
    • reflect on the impacts and implications of digitization in the cultural heritage sector and, by extension, the ramifications for digital humanities research
    • apply a critical perspective to the planning, conduct, tools, methods, and output in the digital humanities scholarship
    • incorporate theory and practice into a project proposal representative of critical digital humanities.
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  • 2023-01-04 07:14

    Digital Research: Methods and Perspectives in the Humanities and Social Science

    7.5 credits (UmU)

    Spring 2024, 2025, Period 2  (online/hybrid, in English)

    The course gives an orientation in digital research within the humanities and social sciences. This orientation is broad, and deals with digital research methods and tools, as well as with issues relating to the digitalisation of society and culture as objects of study. The first part of the course introduces a set of methods and brings attention to issues of digital research ethics, while the second part consists of a number of topical applications.

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  • 2023-01-05 07:14

    Digitisation, XR-technologies, and digital diagnosis within the heritage sector

    Gothenburg University
    Dates: Spring 2024, 2025
    Pace: full time (100%).
    Mode: online.

    Credits: 7.5 ECTS (up to your supervisor to decide how many credits awarded at PhD level)

    Requirements: A mac or windows computer from the last four years with a minimum of 30 gb available harddrive space.

    The course's objectives are to critically discuss digitization, digital diagnosis methods, and immersive (XR) visualisation practices in the field of heritage conservation, management, and outreach. To facilitate an in-depth understanding of the processes, the student will get hands-on-experience working with different types of digital documentation methods, and to construct interactive digital visualisations meant to communicate interpretations, context, and associated research data.

    Through an integrated series of workshops, lectures, and literature seminars the student is supported to develop a reflective and critical approach to both documentation and visualisation practices, as well as an ability to communicate research data, historical sources, and ethical problems and ambiguities in the presentation of cultural heritage sites and objects.

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  • 2023-01-06 07:14

    Ethics, Politics and Policies in Digital Humanities

    7.5 credits (consult with supervisor) (LNU 4DH431) / LnU; full time (100%); online, English

    May 2024 – June 2024

    This course deals with the ethical and political aspects of digital humanities research. Central ethical concerns are addressed and presented through a series of case studies. Students are also introduced to important agencies and policies regulating the work of digital humanities scholars. Topics include: privacy and protections, copyright, ethics in artificial intelligence, research ethics, digital divide, data ownership, and algorithmic governance.

    After this course is completed, the student should:

    • identify and analyse the ethical, political, and legal dimensions of digital humanities research,
    • identify the range of actors, agencies, and policies shaping digital humanities through political and institutional means,
    • explain core ethical issues and considerations through relevant case studies,
    • be able to design research which reflects legal and moral responsibilities of the researcher in collecting, handling and presenting data.
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  • 2023-01-07 07:14

    Data management and open science

    7.5 credits (UmU)

    Autumn 2024 (online course, in English)

    Writing data management plans, structuring research data, and creating infrastructures of open science – these are all tasks that are getting more and more common in academia, also within humanities and social sciences. This development is partly due to new directions in research policies, for example as expressed in the recent research propositions from the Swedish government. Today, moreover, some funding bodies, such as the Swedish Research Council, Riksbankens jubileumsform and Formas, require that scholars write a data management plan along with the research application. This course addresses this development and the increased need for data management skills in academia. The course is aimed especially at doctoral candidates in the humanities, but also at those in the social sciences and other interested parties who want to learn more about data management in research.

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  • 2023-01-08 07:14

    Reconstructing/Deconstructing Cultural Heritage in the Digital Age

    7.5 hp (UmU and UU)

    Spring 2025, Period 4 (online course, in English)

    Technology permeates heritage collections; whether if it is used for archiving, publishing, curating, rendering, or communicating, it has transformed curation and public engagement. This transformation now extends beyond basic digitization—the conversion of analogue collections to digital, including related collections management—to digitalization—applying digital technologies to enhance data curation and engagement. Processes of digitization have resulted in a plethora of digital resources as well as activities that aim at facilitating increased access and engagement. In a world of fast-pacing technology, expectations are placed high on technologies that are only just beginning to be explored by heritage organisations.

    This course envisions unlocking the future potential digital technology for meaningful heritage practices. The aim is to study the current challenges and implications that may arise to provide actionable knowledge on heritage institutions more generally, but also to potentially inspire the deeper study and implementation of digital methods and tools for historical and cultural inquiry.

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  • 2024-06-19 09:44

    Summer School on Digital Humanities--Tools and Methods

    After completing the course the student should be able to:

    • discuss select digital methods for research in the humanities;
    • critically review the advantages and disadvantages of various methods;
    • explain and critically reflect upon ways in which select methods and tools are applied;
    • explain and critically reflect upon ways in which digitisation impacts research in the humanities;
    • apply select methods and digital tools.

    Most teaching is conducted online using the current online teaching platform with obligatory one week of in-person teaching at the University of Zadar in Croatia. Students will be responsible for arranging and covering travel and accommodations costs. Teaching comprises lectures and workshops.

    When and where
    10-16 June - Online, asynchronously (obligatory)
    17-21 June - Zadar, Croatia (OBLIGATORY IN-PERSON PARTICIPATION)
    22 June - 3 July - Online, asynchronously (obligatory)

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