Partner Institutions

2023-05-04 07:18
Uppsala University (coordinating institution)
The Centre for Digital Humanities Uppsala (CDHU) is a research centre placed within the department of ALM at Uppsala University, which participates in national and international collaborations toward innovative research and research-driven education. CDHU’s mission covers 1) research initiation and support, 2) skills training and education, and 3) digital infrastructure to technically support research in the humanities and social sciences. Our expertise spans across disciplines, involving natural language processing and text analysis, an AI and machine learning laboratory, image analysis, database design, and GIS.
2023-04-04 07:20
Linnaeus University
Linnaeus University (LNU) grew from the merger of two Småland universities and is now home to a decentralized collaborative culture shaping its Digital Humanities (DH) profile. LNU’s knowledge environments, centers of excellence, and other centers like its iInstitute bring together interdisciplinary expertise in the Humanities, data analysis, cultural heritage, and ICTs. LNU’s DH initiative bridged our resources with the wider region. LNU then became the first Swedish university to join DARIAH and then successfully launched a DH Master Program.
2023-04-04 07:20
University of Gothenburg
Gothenburg Research Infrastructure in Digital Humanities is a research infrastructure at the Faculty of Humanities that offers methodological support and combines humanities research skills with expertise in digital technology and method development. We have excellence in interdisciplinary project design, information modeling, data management, text and image analysis, network and cluster analysis, spatiotemporal data visualization, numerical methods, AI/machine learning, VR/AR simulation, 3D visualizations and modeling of historical environments, and critical digital humanities.
2023-04-04 07:19
Umeå University
Humlab is a strong competence centre at Umeå University with access to a technical environment for digital humanities. Humlab has a cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary organisation, and the meeting across disciplinary boundaries is central. Humlab conducts research, teaching and collaboration. Our mission includes initiating, inspiring and developing the relationship between the Humanities, Culture and Information Technology in research, postgraduate education and teaching.